M2M board approves 4-day work week

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly shifted how many workplaces operate. While just a few years ago remote work and a 4-day week seemed radical, today many employers are making these popular (and beneficial) policies a reality.  

Mom2Mom Child Poverty Initiative (M2M) is one such organization. In April 2022, M2M’s Board of Directors approved a year-long pilot of the 4-day workweek. 


An improved work-life balance, increased flexibility for competing demands such as childcare, decreased stress, and greater employee retention were amongst the reasons for this change.

As a woman serving agency, it was also important to the M2M team that we foster a supportive workplace that acknowledges the multiple roles women have in family and society.    

The current version of office work, defined by long hours and ‘always-on electronic chatter,’ seems poorly suited to cognitive labor. This mode of working has been around for only a decade or two, and we have found better ways to work before; it would be ‘arrogant and ahistoric,’ to assume that the current approach is best.
— Cal Newport, author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

In February 2023, M2M staff participated in a feedback survey of the 4-day workweek pilot. The results were resoundingly positive:  

  • 100% of staff said that they have more time to focus on their mental wellness  

  • 100% of staff said that they have more time for household duties/errands   

  • 100% of staff said that they feel more valued in their role at M2M

  • 100% of staff said that they are more likely to continue working at M2M  

  • 100% of staff strongly agree that their work-life balance has improved      

  • 100% of staff strongly agree that their overall stress levels have decreased 

The above is especially pertinent given the context of increased burnout in the non-profit sector.  

Workers are leaving the non-profit sector in droves, bringing many organizations to a breaking point, all while the demand for services steadily rises.
— United Way East Ontario

M2M, on the other hand, has experienced 100% staff retention since April 2020. In fact, we have onboarded an additional staff member, increased our number of volunteers, and accepted new families into our program.  


“Having the 4-day week creates a positive work culture. It makes me want to continue working with M2M and put additional effort into the work because I feel respected and valued.”   

- M2M Staff Team Member

Although skeptics may warn of reduced productivity due to a shorter week, a 2019 study revealed that when workers have reduced stress, more time outside of work, and feel valued by their companies, they are more productive. The 4-day workweek is thus an excellent way to increase worker satisfaction and, in turn, increase productivity.  

[Having the 4-day week] has made me more productive as I am better able to balance my responsibilities, feel well rested, and can dedicate my focus more fully to the work as I am less stressed overall.
— M2M Staff Team Member

A trial conducted by researchers in the UK found similar results. For instance, 71% of employees reported being less burned out, and 92% of the companies who participated plan to continue with the 4-day workweek. According to the study: “Most employees were less stressed and had better work-life balance…all while companies reported revenue largely stayed the same during the trial period last year and even grew.”

Given these incredible results (both within M2M and beyond), in March 2023 the M2M board approved the 4-day workweek as a permanent change for the organization.  

It works. Staff are motivated, happier, and the quality of work is excellent. The staff team are also very flexible and able to execute programming at all times. This is the way of the future: many organizations are changing to the 4-day workweek all around the world. We are part of a progressive social change in worker rights, health, and wellness. M2M is a leader for the charitable sector.
— Irene Elhaimer, M2M Executive Director

To learn more about M2M and the innovative ways we are supporting single moms and children living in poverty, visit our programs page and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Written by Samantha Schumacher

Samantha Schumacher