Being a Mom

This Mother’s Day, we asked our staff team what being a mom means to them. Here is what they had to say:  

Being a mom is waking up to tears and trying to figure out the cause 

Being a mom is living with a kink in your neck because you sat uncomfortably for hours holding your sleeping baby 

Being a mom is a constantly running to-do list 


Being a mom is pretending to know what you are doing 


Being a mom is sacrificing a bill payment to buy formula  

Being a mom is rocking your sick child, praying that their fever goes away 

Being a mom is questioning the decision to leave your child with a stranger, so you won't miss another day of work 

Being a mom is waking up fatigued, feeling like it’s Groundhog Day  

Being a mom is wishing you could communicate with your screaming baby 

Being a mom is teetering between trusting and questioning your instincts  

Being a mom is feeling alone during the sleepless nights 


Being a mom is watching your child sleep peacefully, wondering how your heart can handle that much love


Being a mom is wearing a handmade necklace held together with glue and pipe cleaners  

Being a mom is searching for deals for second-hand clothes and discounted summer camps 

Being a mom is waitlists and paperwork and filling out forms 

Being a mom is welcoming your baby's sticky hands on your skin 

Being a mom is constantly advocating for your child  

Being a mom is disappointment for how you parented that day 

Being a mom is driving to the hospital in fear, trying not to go over the worst-case scenario 

Being a mom is the pride you feel when your child accomplishes a goal 

Being a mom is constantly worrying if you are doing enough for your children 

Being a mom is wet cheeks and wet eyes from worry and love  

Being a mom is going hungry, knowing your child is not 


Being a mom is a beautiful mess 


Being a mom is not being heard, but not giving up 

Being a mom shapes you into a new person 

Being a mom is gratitude for beautiful friendships with other moms 

Being a mom is asking for help when you need it 

Being a mom is strength  

Being a mom is holding back tears as you watch your grown children drive away with moving boxes 

Being a mom is a lifelong love affair 

Being a mom is everything. 

Samantha Schumacher