Food insecurity creates a ripple effect on physical and mental health and overall wellbeing, where surviving, instead of thriving, is the only option.

That’s what happened for Sarah.

When she first came into our program, Sarah was a solo parent of two, and her youngest had just been diagnosed with special needs. 

She was regularly needing to make the difficult choice between buying groceries, cleaning supplies, or other needs such as new winter boots and jackets for the kids as the weather turned colder. It’s a choice between basic needs — “which one can I meet today?” As a result, food was not always guaranteed. Living with food insecurity meant choosing the least expensive items that would stretch the farthest, rather than choosing items that would support health and nutrition, let alone adventure and enjoyment. 

Despite careful budgeting and diligent work to balance all her responsibilities, there was a perpetual shortage in grocery money each month. The tension of food insecurity touched everything in their family’s life — relational dynamics, physical and mental health, growth and development, and the potential to take hold of opportunities.


You can help champion solo-parenting moms like Sarah!

Children who have healthy, determined, well-supported moms grow into adults who are resilient, hardworking and compassionate.

When families are strong and given the chance to succeed, the greater community prospers with them.

Will you help them break the cycle of poverty today by providing grocery support for a family in need?


Support a family's grocery needs for:

Two Weeks


One Month


Three Months


Six Months



Why Grocery Support?

Food is a foundational need before anything else.

Lisa, the Executive Director at BabyGoRound, tells us that struggling to provide enough food creates extreme pressure and parental stress.

    • Childhood mental health problems such as hyperactivity and inattention.. [increased] risk of developing asthma, depression, and suicidal ideation

    • A shorter lifespan by up to nine years

    • Higher rates of adult obesity

    • Mood/anxiety disorders

    • Feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness

    • Social isolation

    • Increased health care costs by up to 121%

“It’s a cycle; kids who are hungry aren’t able to learn properly, they’re more likely to drop out of school and get lower-paying jobs. It’s generational; it’s very hard for families to bring themselves out of the cycle.”

Emily-anne, Co-Executive director and Co-founder of Backpack Buddies


With the help of the Mom2Mom grocery support program, the futures of families are being changed.


As Sarah gained access to higher quality nutrition in adequate amounts for the month, the stress and pressure of unmet needs was lifted — she and her children began to flourish.


Sarah’s 9 year old daughter is now able to have things that she likes in her lunches such as her favourite juice boxes and bocconcini cheese.

There is enough money for all the cleaning supplies necessary to keep Sarah’s son safe at home with his medical needs.

Sarah now has the freedom to explore her culinary passions. Food has become a medium for creative expression, and is now a joyful adventure for the whole family!

There’s a big difference between scraping by and being able to feel full with nutritious options. And it’s more than just getting food into bellies. [Food is] also something you share with people — it’s having the opportunity to really enjoy and take pleasure in food. Having the ability to try new things when you’re cooking, be adventurous, and convince your kids to eat new things.
— Laura, volunteer

It is a powerful and amazing thing to turn mealtimes, which once were about not going hungry, into moments that anchor Sarah’s family in connection, laughter, love, adventure, and new opportunities!


We love being a part of stories like Sarah’s, and we can’t do it without you!

Building food security truly changes families’ lives, and gives them the hand up they need in order to prosper holistically. 


Help take care of  a family’s grocery needs for:

Two Weeks ($87.50)

One Month ($175)

Three Months ($525)

Six Months ($1,050)